If you pop on over to Kirsty's blog you can find out all about the raffle she has organised, so for a small donation you are not only helping raise the necessary funds to save Daisy's life but you could also win some crafty goodies.

My boss at work, and friend Charlotte recently had her first baby so I had a few baby cards to make, on for Charlotte and her husband James,...
Hi Debs, as you know I've been away but I'm now trying to catch up with some commenting. This wee dog is just adorable so I will be popping over to Kirsty's blog after finishing this comment. My step-grandson also has Asperger's so I have some knowledge of it. I thought you might be interested to know that he is now 19 and doing okay. Although he has had his ups and downs he is now at university in Aberdeen studying forensic science and enjoying it. Elizabeth x PS: Re: the windmills - have you guessed where they are yet?
What a shame I was too late seeing this. I went straight over but the draw is closed (stupid holiday!!). Felt for Daisys family as we were faced with similar situation when our cat was still very young. Theres no way we could have Whiskey put down so we paid, we were lucky that the vet accepted installments. That was 10 years ago and although a very grumpy cat at times, Whiskey has given us so much joy since :o)
I wish Daisy and her family all the best
Karen xxx
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