Kath, Anne and I have put our heads together and organised something very special, coming soon - you'll find all the details here...
There are 30 places available, so if you want to come along I'd advise booking as soon as possible.
We've been so excited about this and it's been so hard keeping it under wraps until now.

Desperate to come but have something else I have to be at. Very best of luck. There will be a stampede I am sure!
oh if only you weren't so far away!!
By last night I'd worked out it was you three cooking something delicious - All the best with that, it sounds fantastic................
Paula (PEP)
Would have jumped at the chance of a day's crafting with you all but sadly I am away in Gran Canaria that weekend :( x
What a fab 'crafty day' lineup! Just have to check hubby will be at home. x
awww I would have loved to come but I am off to Lanzarote soon after that so be unlikley - maybe I need to go speak v nicley to hubby lol x
Desperate to come but have something else I have to be at. Very best of luck. There will be a stampede I am sure!
I had a feeling everyone's exciting news was going to be about this. I would really love to come. Think my colleague owes me a Saturday off!!
Kat xx
This sounds fantastic and I wish I could come but live far too many miles away. A real bargain price too. Have a great day. Those places will be snapped up quickly I'm sure. Could you come and do one in Norwich please?
Sounds like an awesome workshop! Only the little matter of the Atlantic Ocean is keeping me away!
Best of luck and enjoy! :)
My sister and I booked our place today. Really looking forward to it :)
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