My God it didn't half snow again last night - I slept in this morning, and Scott was really keen to get to school. But I switched on the pc to check the local council website for school closures and lo and behold their school was closed. Yay, I didn't have to go and drive in it. Unfortunately that meant that all 3 kids were at home all day. But I got them up, dressed, wrapped up and out in the snow. Ziggy the numpty thought it would be a good idea to go for a wee stroll across the frozen pond, and lucky for him it held. Just in case any of you thought for a moment I was endangering one of the kids, Ziggy is my stupid cat. He's not the sharpest tool in the box, He may have landed on his head once or twice before we got him, and he's a quarter Ragdoll.

Graham got in on the act, making a snowman to sit on the bench beside the pond - here's him in the nuddy.....

and here's him in my silver stetson...

Great fun by had all by the looks of things. Lucky things they were getting the day off school, I wish! Lovin' that snowman, what a big fella he is!!! :o)
love that snowman! Would ye ever send some of that snow down here, we have just had a icing sugar sprinkling! :(
love that snowman! Would ye ever send some of that snow down here, we have just had a icing sugar sprinkling! :(
Oh wow loads of snow....Wee Fayfee's still NOT sure of it though?!
Scott & Willow are having a great time :-)
Brilliant BIG snowman....I hope he's NO rampaging aboot your hoose the night looking for false teeth to put in! LMAO
Wow, wow, wow, what a stunning snowman!!!! good to see the children having such a fabulous time! hugs Linda x
Great piccies!
Love your snowman... why does it not surprise me that he is so fab! Your artistic streak knows no bounds!!! Looks like you all had a ball xx
What a crew you have there! How totally adorable this is-snowball fight and all! love the snowman too!
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